Gift Card Women-Only Sacred Stone Massage Therapy

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Stones on Curve of Spine.jpg

Gift Card Women-Only Sacred Stone Massage Therapy

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This is a 1-hour session. Sacred Stone Massage Therapy integrates the use of warm, smooth and textured sea stones with herbal oil and long, circular deep massage strokes. I blend the sciences of Ayurveda, Shamanism, traditional massage techniques, earth medicine, and therapeutic touch with spirit, creating a sacred space for clients to heal themselves. Become intoxicated with bliss, deep peace, a sense of well-being, a gentle vigor, more range of motion in your joints, spinal alignment, pain removal and a restorative good night's sleep after. Adding CBD oil to any treatment is an extra $20 and well worth it.

Using heated and chilled mineral composites of granite, feldspar, quartz and magnetite which are harvested locally together as a class, with reverence for the earth. This therapy integrates authentic Ayurvedic, Shamanic and traditional massage techniques, creatively blending science, physiology, anatomy, medicine and modern-day therapeutic touch with spirit, creating a very holistic and comprehensive approach. Learning Sacred Stone techniques and philosophies will help remove stress and pain in your client’s physiology. This seminar will teach students how to create powerful stone layouts and utilize gliding, spinning, edging and flipping techniques designed to calm the central nervous system, improve systemic detoxification, encourage better posture and reduce muscular tension.

With a gentleness, a gentle hand, touch, for there is a spirit in the earth.” William Wordsworth

Sacred Stone Therapy techniques are unique and different because time-proven Ayurvedic modalities are applied, based on theories which direct energy towards the “terminal ends” of the body, enliven the “earth-bound” chakra system, engages the natural intelligence of the body, awakens prana (life force) and renews the sweetness of life. There are many spiritual and health benefits of laying stones directly on the skin with or without oil. The order of stone removal from the body will explored in depth (a.k.a. ‘de-stoning’). The Sacred Stone application and removal sequence allows important chakras (muladhara and svadhisthana) to remain awakened as long as possible during the treatment, activating the body’s downward flow (apana vayu) to connect our clients to the earth. The power of this therapy is rooted in the compassion that is expressed from the therapist to the client. This compassion becomes imprinted within the matrix of each stone.