By the Light of the Moon Dec 2020 Vedic Astrology Forecast

Astrology readings, Lessons and Charts

 The New Moon occurs on Dec 14th 2020 and occurs in sidereal Scorpio in the lunar star of Jyestha, represented by the symbol of a protective amulet.  Jyestha is a lunar star located in the stinger of the constellation of Scorpio in the sky. This particular real estate is called the ‘Via Combusta’. Translated: a fiery road. It is the most intense location in the cosmos and considered the seat of purification and transformation.  Jyestha likes to “win” and is associated with the throne, royalty and government. He takes no prisoners. Venus, Mercury and Ketu (south node of the moon) are all sitting beside the Sun and the Moon in the 10th house. It’s a pile up of five celestial concepts brainstorming together among the lunar stars that inhabit the Via Combusta. This unusual feisty and regal alignment reflects the current global consciousness: Eagerness to be right and win at all costs. It also represents the earth’s deep request for change on the planet.

Expect more secrets and lies to be unearthed so we may see more clearly, yet giving rise to more civil unrest. The 10th house represents government, which is the field of living in the word’s astrology chart that is literally being “eclipsed” starting this December 2020. The effects may continue for 45 weeks following, then reach a crescendo. Here is where the dance of free will and fate harmonize: The exact vector of this crescendo will depend on how many folks are willing to become the change the world needs to see. How many of us are willing to own our anger instead of project it on to others? By healing ourselves individually, we can soften the adversities that may come. This is our free will.

Eclipse Tips: 1. Allow everyone their own opinion. 2. Stay in your own lane 3. Love thy neighbor as thyself. 4. Forgive yourself and others. 5. Play with your pets more. 6. Get more rest. 7. Bless your food. 8. Practice gratitude. 9. Watch funny movies and laugh more. 10. Dance and sing more. 11. Help one another. 12. Meditate and pray more. 13. Eat fresh food (no leftovers).

 Remember not to make any major decisions, make significant purchases, start anything new or travel during the eclipse window, which is 2 weeks prior to the solar eclipse and 1 week following. Stay home and rest. Time becomes compressed during eclipses, causing us all to be more sensitive and feel like we are in the twilight zone. The molecules in the air during an eclipse are more inflammatory, sticky and volatile, suppressing our immune systems, causing food to spoil faster and encouraging the spread of more bacteria and virus including spiritual virus’s. Use energy medicine or a talisman to protect yourself.

However, knowledge is power. With this power, we can make more informed choices, creating a sacred space during eclipse season, which spans about 3 weeks. The veil between earth other realms is thinner during all eclipses. Light a candle or burn some palos santos and ask your beloved ancestors, angels and the “Powers that Be” to provide insightful, loving messages during dreamtime and meditation, inspiring you to put a smile on your face and be a light for the world. We were built for times like this.

The Full Moon on Dec 30th, 2020 will occur in sidereal Gemini within the lunar star of Ardra, symbolized by the teardrop. The ruler of this lunar star is the north node of the moon we call Rahu, the mover and the shaker. Rahu’s job is to stir the pot, but always for our highest and best. Buckle up and get ready for an amazing ride! All full moons shine the light on the darkest corners of our lives, both globally and personally. If you had a burning question around the time of the new moon, two weeks prior, the full moon may reveal the answer to that question. “Back up eleven days to Dec 21, 2020 where the earth will experience a planetary alignment that has not occurred in over 6,000 years. Mercury, Sun, Mars, Saturn and the Moon will all stop and align in the same direction, at the same time on the same path and gradient. This galactic alignment is a cosmic solar patterning that will take 3 days to fully line up and will end on Dec 25.” —

 This may trigger an opening of a cosmic portal which could last seven days. Celestial scholars are predicting a great awakening, a very special time on our planet where the heavens may become crystal clear momentarily. Keep your eye on the sky! This phenomenon could affect our atmospheric conditions and raise our states of consciousness if we choose and if we are ready. There may be an electromagnet sonic boom which might have a nuclear component, but this is not to be feared. Even though it may shut down our electromagnet grid temporarily, it is not toxic. It is an organic DNA activation to herald in more love and kindness into the world.

The full moon in the lunar star of Ardra on Dec 30th may bring tears of joy and hope that the world has been longing for. Set your personal and global intentions on the new moon. Go outside under the full moon and allow the moonbeams to kiss your cheeks, cool system inflammations, and impart a radiant glow (soma) into your being. This will mark the end of 2020, a massively challenging year for us all. Together we stand. Divided we fall. What a wild time to be alive!

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For appointments: text 401-680-3934 or visit